Thursday, January 7, 2010

James McGrew - Plein Air Naturalist

James McGrew's masters thesis was in Environmental Education (after earning degrees in biology, chemistry and geology), and his links page goes to sites like Frogweb, Hetch Hetchy, Sequoia, the National Park Service as well as art-related places.

The plein air painting shown here, entitled Ancient Couple, Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias is accompanied by a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: "I feel most emphatically that we should not turn into shingles a tree which was old when the first Egyptian conquerer penetrated to the valley of the Euphrates, which has taken so many years to be built up and which can be put to better use. That you may say is not looking at the matter from a practical standpoint. In the end, there is nothing more practical than the preservation of beauty; than the preservation of anything that appeals to the higher emotions of mankind."

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